“To bring the memorable story to life, the actors portray their characters with just the right amount of passion and affection for each other. There are captivating scenes that include…Tess (played by Dana Scurlock) in recovery after the surgery and her visit from Lydia; Tess dictating a letter to Blake meant for her donor's family; and Debra and Tess together.”
- Marina Kennedy, Broadway World (review for I Carry Your Heart)
"They [the cast] are all tremendously talented, but Dana Scurlock as Bam-boo, a giant panda, is a standout star with a voice like Aretha Franklin."
- Nicole Colbert, Off Off Online (review for Endangered! The Musical)
"Dana Scurlock, in the role of the panda, is the undeniable star of the show. Her incredibly powerful voice is very special."
- Maytal, The Mama Maven (review for Endangered! The Musical)
"Dana Scurlock was enchanting as the open, optimistic playwright."
- Stage Biz (review for Imperfect and Important)
“The Nurse, played by the highly talented Dana Scurlock…does an outstanding job of bridging this divide…Her conversation with Skylar’s girlfriend Pamela about the politics of gender and sexuality is one of the highlights of the play.“